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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

PP MRP Calculation to determine the delivery date and release date

There have been three parameters that SAP will take it into calculation to determine the delivery date and release date during material requirement planning. They are -

1) Planned Delivery Time which is the vendor-dependent lead time being measured from the time PO is outputted (for sending to the vendor) till the time the shipment is delivered at the warehouse.

2) GR processing time represents the necessary period of time being required for receipting the shipment into the warehouse. This period is, usually, for quality and quantity inspection.

3) Purchasing Processing Time. This is the internal required time for processing the purchasing document (Purchase Requisition) till Purchase Order. You can set it up plant-wise via Transaction OMI8.

With these three parameters, it is possible that you can set it up correctly in your system to enable the appropriate planning of your material requirement.

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PP MRP Purchasing processing Time - OPPQ

Please refer above subject and would like to do following. External Processing Time I have set in using OPPQ. My client want this time set differently for different Vendor. Is there any userexit or customization settings?

For MRP to take lead time by supplier, you need to have 3 settings:

1) The config in OPPQ - External procurement at plant level (or OPPR at MRP grp - Scheduling/doc. type) should have the check box marked to read SchedAgreem/Inforecord leadtime (T399D-GTERM)

2) You should have a contract/schedule agreement, or a purchase info record maintained for that plant-material-vendor combination

3) You should maintain source list (ME01) for the contract/schedule agreement, or info record. This changes the default behavior of MRP to use leadtime by supplier, rather than material master leadtime. When both contract and info record exist, the contract will take precedence.

Please watchout for the case if you're already using contracts/info records in procurement, but not using them for planning. In this case your leadtime data in these documents may be incorrect, or may be left blank - this will be interpreted as zero if you make this change implementation, as mentioned in the steps above.

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PP MRP Define Safety Stock Availability

The IMG can be set in SM30 - V_438M_S

You define per plant and per MRP group the percentage of the safety stock that is to be available for planning. This helps to avoid a situation where order proposals are created unnecessarily by the system to cover small shortage quantities.

For example:

Mat. 1 Mat. 2 Mat. 3

Safety stock: 100 pc 100 pc 100 pc

available for planning: 0% 50% 50%

Shortage quantity 1 pc 1 pc 51 pc

Order proposal quantity
for lot-for-lot order qty 1 pc 0 pc 51 pc
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PP MRP Questions on MRP Group and MRP Controller

MRP groups are used when the plant division for planning is not enough for the division of the different materials MRP requirements. You assign different groups according to the requirements to run MRP (different Settings). These settings will be taken in account when you run MRP for single item or total planning.

MRP controller is the person in charge of the MRP run for the materials. It is still a further division on your MRP. This is work load related. You can have one MRP controller for materials with different MRP groups.

On your MRP group, you will define the parameters for the MRP run. These parameters are calculated in accordance with the settings on your material master MRP views.

Available stock =
Plant stock - safety stock +
receipts of (purchasing orders + purchasing agreements + production orders) - required quantity.

This means that all the requirements are calculated in the bases of your material master settings and your MRP group settings.

What if nothing happens when you run MRP?

The reasons could be :-

- You have purchase requisitions that are delayed but the delivery time has not been updated on the system.

- The settings on your material MRP screens are not correct, i.e. your material have not yet
entered the re-order point level.

- Your requirements have not been taken in account when running MRP.

Assuming that everything is well and the requirement has been calculated, go to transaction code MD04 and verify that the different requirements are reflected in the MRP list and also if there is any purchase requisition scheduled by the system. Verify also if there is any other delivery schedule that will exceed the actual requirements.

If the purchasing requisition is there, the only thing that you have to troubleshoot is the message to tell you that the purchasing requirement was calculated.

If the requirement is not there, re-visit your material master and check your settings for the MRP group.

What is the real meaning and usage of the followings configured in PP:
1. MRP Controller;
2. Schedule margin key;
3. MRP group;
4. MRP profile.

1. MRP Controller;
This will help you to group the material for some controlling purpose. You can run mrp by mrp controller.
you can do evaluation by mrp controller. This will help us if have different people in one organisation involved in purchasing.

2. Schedule margin key;

This will help you to determine the floats. In case if you have production order you can see the impact of floats

3. MRP group;

This will help you for the material to reac in tems of the settings made relavant to each group. To know more details on the group you can chek the tcode oppr.

4. MRP profile
We can have some prefixed datas in the profile and and we can enter teh profile for diff material so the values will copied as defaulted in the profile.

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PP MRP Planning separately via Storage Location or Vendor with MRP Area

Steps 1 :-

You must convert the existing planning file (table MDVM) to the new planning file (table DBVM)
in order to be able to use MRP areas in materials requirements planning. Transaction OM0F.

1. During the conversion, the system creates a plant MRP area for every plant.
2. The existing planning file entries are copied from the planning file used up to now into
the new planning file.
3. The system deletes the planning file that had been used up to now after the conversion has
taken place.
4. At client level, the indicator Planning file entries for MRP area converted is set in a
system table. This indicator causes material requirements planning to be carried out using
planning file entries at MRP area level from this point onwards.
5. The report also converts the individual customer planning file entries at plant level to
individual customer planning file entries at MRP area level.

Steps 2 :-

Activate MRP Area in SM30 - T000MD.
(Material requirements planning with MRP areas cannot be reversed once activated).

Steps 3 :-

During conversion in Steps 1, SAP will automatically create a MRP area for all your existing

Now, you can start creating the MRP area for storage location or vendor to be planned
separately. That's is the whole purpose for using MRP area.

Define MRP Area in SM30 - V_MDLV.
Here you define whether the MRP area type :-
01 - Plant
02 - Storage Location
03 - Vendor

Steps 4 :-

In Material Master MRP 1, the MPR area section will appear once you successfully complete
the above Steps.

Assign MRP Areas to Materials

You assign the MRP areas to the materials by creating an MRP area segment for each MRP area
in the material master. You can assign several MRP areas to one material.

MRP with MRP areas for the material is not activated until an MRP area has been assigned to
a material. If you have not assigned an MRP area to a material, that is, you have not created
an MRP area segment in the material master, the material will continue to be planned in the
plant MRP area only. If you have assigned an MRP area to the material, the system can plan it
in the plant MRP area and in the assigned MRP area.

You can display an overview for all materials in an MRP area. To do this, you go into
Customizing for MRP and choose the IMG activity Define MRP areas. Call up an MRP area by
double-clicking and choose Material overview for MRP area.

Steps 5 :-

Check Storage Locations

If you have already entered a storage location in the BOM (BOM item), in the work center
(supply area) or in the production version, you should check whether this storage location
is the storage location for the MRP area that you have assigned in the material master.

The materials are assigned to an MRP area via the storage location that the system
determines during the planning run. You should therefore check the storage locations that
you have maintained in the material master. The storage location in the material master
must be a storage location for the MRP area, for which you have created an MRP area segment
in the material master. You can therefore ensure that material requirements planning will
be carried out for the correct MRP area

The MRP area represents an organizational unit for which material requirements planning is
carried out independently.

Basically, there are three types of MRP area:

Plant MRP Area
The plant MRP area initially contains the plant together with all its storage locations and
stock with subcontractors.

When you have defined MRP areas for storage locations and for subcontractors and you have
assigned the materials, the plant MRP area is reduced by exactly this number of subcontractors
and storage locations. This is because they are now to be planned separately.

MRP Areas for Storage Locations
You can define an MRP area that consists of a particular storage location, by creating an MRP
area and assigning the storage location to it. Material requirements for this storage location
are then planned separately from the rest of the plant.

You can also group several storage locations into one MRP area, by creating an MRP area and
assigning the storage locations to it. These storage locations are then planned together.

A storage location of a plant may be assigned to only one MRP area.

MRP Areas for Subcontractors
You can also define an MRP area for each subcontractor.

A subcontractor may be assigned to only one MRP area.

An MRP area of the subcontractor type may also only contain one subcontractor.

MRP areas of the storage location or subcontractor type are only suitable for:

1. components that are planned and produced for stock

2. finished products that are planned and produced for stock.

By assigning a storage location in a sales order or by entering an MRP area when creating
the planned independent requirements, you can define whether a material is planned in the
plant MRP area or in the MRP area of the storage location.

Material requirements planning for each MRP area allows you to have specific control over
the staging and procurement of parts produced in-house and purchased parts for each shop
floor and assembly area. If, for example, you define an MRP area for the production
storage location of an assembly line, the system plans the material requirements for the
assembly line separately from all other requirements.

Example: Subcontractor

You can also carry out planning for components to be provided in subcontracting using an
MRP area by defining an MRP area for every subcontractor and assigning the components to be
provided to the MRP area of the subcontractor. You therefore plan the requirements to be
provided for these components for one subcontractor separately from all other requirements.

Depending on the requirements situation, the system creates either stock transfer reservations
from the plant to the stock of material provided of the subcontractor or it creates purchase
requisitions within subcontracting/third-party order processing, according to the special
procurement key settings.

The planning run takes into account the planning with MRP areas as follows:

If you do not enter a separate scope of planning, the system plans the whole plant, that is,
all MRP areas in the plant, during the total planning run. If you want to carry out a total
planning run for a particular MRP area only, you must specify the required MRP area in the
scope of planning.

During single-item, multi-level planning, the system plans the selected material in the MRP
area entered. In addition, the system takes into account planning file entries from other
MRP areas, for example, if the material is to be procured using stock transfer.
During single-item, single-level planning, the system plans the selected material in the
MRP area entered only.

You define the MRP areas in Customizing for MRP. You can thereby assign the following to
an MRP area: one or more storage locations (example: you want to carry out planning for a
particular assembly line and therefore assign a production storage location to the MRP area)
a subcontractor.

You assign the various MRP areas to the materials in the material master. For this, you
create an MRP area segment for a material for every MRP area, in which it is used. In this
MRP area segment, you can define MRP parameters such as, for example, the lot size or MRP
type. This allows you to plan the material differently in the MRP area from how you plan it
in the plant MRP area.

MRP with MRP areas for the material is not activated until the material has been assigned
to an MRP area. If you have not assigned a material to an MRP area, that is, you have
not created an MRP area segment in the material master, the material will continue to
be planned in the plant MRP area only. If you have assigned an MRP area to it, the system
can plan it in the plant MRP area and in the assigned MRP area.
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PP - The Common Planning Strategy used

The planning strategies are maintained in Customizing for Demand Management in SM30 - V_T461S.

Define the Planned Requirement Type and assign the requirement class in OMP1.

Define the requirement class in OMPO.

Check the independent requirement and consumption of requirement class in OMPC.

Maintain the message for invalid requirement type in OMPJ.

You define the strategy group in SM30 - V_T461P.

You define the Plant to MRP group in SM30 - V_T438M_S.

Maintain the consumption mode and period of adjustment in SM30 - V_T438M_V.

Listed here are some common used planning strategies :-

Strategy 10 in summary :-

1. Sales Order creation - no impact.

2. Goods Receipt - reduce the planned independent requirement during MRP run
For e.g. if PIR is 100, quantity remained as 100 in PIR, however during MRP run,
100 will not be included in the MRP planned as stock is available.

3. Delivery - minus the quantity for the oldest planned independent in demand management.
For e.g. if PIR is 100 and delivery 90, PIR becomes 10 (withdrawal 90).

10 LSF Make-to-stock production KSL Sale from stock without independent
requirement reduction

Choose this strategy if you want production to be determined by a production plan (Demand Management) and if you do not want sales orders to influence production directly.

You must maintain the following master data for the finished product:

Strategy group 10 on the MRP screen.
Item category group (for example, NORM) on the Sales Organization screen.
Availability check field in Customizing so that you perform an availability check
without replenishment lead times (in the standard system, you must enter 02 here).

In net requirements planning according to strategy 10, the order does not create a requirement; the sales order is displayed, but does not generate planned orders.

The planned independent requirement is reduced during processing of the goods issue.
Old quantities can still be retrieved by using either
Goto -> Schedule line history in Demand Management, or by using the total requirements list
(Evaluations -> Display total requirements from the Demand Management menu).
The quantities issued are displayed in the Withdrawal quantity field.

The system always reduces the oldest planned independent requirements unless the consumption fields (Consumption mode, Fwd consumption per., Bwd consumption per.) are maintained in the material master or in the MRP group.

11 BSF Gross planned independent requirements KSL Sale from stock without independent
requirement reduction

Strategy 11 in summary :-

1. Sales Order creation - no impact.

2. Goods Receipt - minus the quantity for the oldest planned independent in demand management.
For e.g. if PIR is 100 and delivery 90, PIR becomes 10 (withdrawal 90).

3. Delivery - no impact as delivery is issue from sales order.

This strategy is particularly useful if you need to produce, regardless of whether you have stock or not. For instance, steel or cement producers might want to use this strategy because they cannot shut down production; a blast furnace or a cement factory must continue to produce, even if this means having to produce to stock.

You need to maintain the following master data for the finished product:

Maintain strategy group 11 on the MRP screen.
Set the Mixed MRP indicator to 2 on the MRP screen.
Maintain the item category group (for example, NORM) on the Sales Organization screen.
Maintain the Availability check field so that you perform an availability check without the replenishment lead time (checking group 02 in the standard system).

Strategy 10 11

Stock is taken into account Yes No

Reduction of planned independent
requirements takes place during … … goods issue for ... goods receipt for a production
the delivery order (discrete production),
for a planned order (repetitive
manufacturing), or for a purchase
order (trading goods).
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PP MRP Why Planning file entry still Exists?

Does anyone know why a planning file entry would exist for NETCH or NETPL when there has been NO activity on the material since the last planning run? No movements, no PO's created, no Orders taken, no activity whatsoever . . . and MRP ran, created a planned order, which was converted to a requisition and then a PO. This PO was converted for a date earlier than what MRP recommended.

Now each time MRP runs, we get exception #15 - delay the order until later (gives date). We don't change it and the planning file entry doesn't go away, even after the run.

Found a note that seemed to apply, but . . . I guess it doesn't really.

"If the planning run terminates for a material with planning file entry on account of an error message, the planning file entry is not deleted if this is not explicitly set in customizing. In transaction OMDY, you can set for which errors (message number) you want the planning file entry being deleted."

I thought this was my answer. However, after looking in OMDY - the message #015 = Dates incorrect (start date > finish date). And message #15 = Enter value for version number increment (VersNumIncr.).

Neither of these defines my MRP List exception message 15 = "Postpone process (28.06.2004/26.06.2004)" - on a current date of 03/06/2004. It's CLOSE, but not the first message.

So if I set the field for the deletion of the planning file entry, it still wouldn't affect my real problem - trying to get this entry to 'go away' after doing what it was supposed to do.

Please Check CS15 - where used list. May be this material has been added to a BOM of a product/Assy, which has caused an entry in planning file.

Check MD04 for the source of reqt.

Also check MD63, if a PIR exists.

If not, delete from planning file. Try report RMMDVM10 - consistency check.

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PP MRP Planning Strategy Selection

Selection priority for planning strategy is:

First material, second MRP group and last plant parameters. E.g. System first checks for material, if strategy is defined there, that is used, if it's not maintained there, then it checks if it's defined in MRP group.

That is the same for all MRP parameters, not only strategy.

If you wanna test how it works, try this:

1. create an mrp group, say 0001, and assign strategy group "40 - planning with final assembly" in the MRP group parameters.

2. create a material, say product1 and define planning strategy as "20 - make to order". And also enter the MRP group 0001 in material master.

3. Create a sales order and create an order item for product1.

4. In the sales order header, go to the Procurement tab. There, you will see the requirement type for product1, which is automatically selected by system according to the planning strategy it uses. That requirement type should be "KE" if strategy 20 is selected, or it should be "KSL" if strategy 40 is selected by system.

5. In my test, system selected KE requirement type, which indicates that system used strategy 20, and which I have entered in the material master. It didn't select KSL, which indicates that system uses strategy 40, which is entered in the mrp group. Finally, this test shows that system takes the planning strategy in material master (if it's entered), not the strategy in MRP group.

I think you can now make another test how system uses MRP group's planning strategy. (hint: Delete planing strategy from the material master and repeat the previous test steps. That would end up using strategy 40, which is selected using the MRP group parameters.)

With Compliment: Osman Karslioglu

When do we use planning without final assembly strategy?

We have mainly MTS, MTO, planning with final assembly and planning without final assembly. Now when we are dealing with planning with final assembly, we would usually produce subassemblies (HALBs I guess) using make to stock, so do we use a planning strategy 70 for subassemblies and do a MRP run. To my knowledge I thought we run MRP only for final products (with final assembly) so in that case how would we plan for subassembly products.

I get to understand you are using strategy planning with final assembly. So you are using strategy 40 for the finished product.

Just to clarify certain things, MRP can be run for any it finished or semi finished or raw material. Actually when you run a MRP for the finished product using MD02, you are doing a multilevel run.

Secondly, when you are using 40 for the finished product you may or may not use any strategy for the semi finished goods. It depends on your business. If you are going to produce semi finished goods independent of the finished goods, you may have a make to stock strategy 10 (one of the many options) and produce them independent of the finished good requirement. Now when a requirement will be generated for the finished good and a MRP run will be taken, it will show that the Semi Finished is either in stock or a planned/production order exists and thus only the remaining quantity will be planned for (there is a better strategy existing for this type of a scenario.....

However if you do not put any strategy for the Semi Finished, then planned orders will be created for the Semi Finished for the same quantity as the orders created for the Finished goods.
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PP MRP Monthly lot size

Appreciated if some guide can be provided.
MRP lot size has been set to MB (Monthly lot size)

It is known that with this setting, material are always bring in on the first working day of the month.
Ex: Dep requirement 26-10-04 100 pcs
Dep requirement 30-10-04 190 pcs

When MRP completion, the PR item shown 1-10-2004 290 pcs, is that any possible to bring in material just right before dependant requirement 26-10-04 say about 24 or 25 of the month.
Because. we dont tend to keep more stocks until actual requirement.

Any comment are welcome.

In that case you might like to consider lot size key WB (weekly). It will bring in material at the first working day of the week. In your case it is Oct 25, 2004

But in this case, I will have increase administrative cost on monitoring the material lot weekly.
I want to have monthly lot size that group all the requirement, but bring in material as close as possible on the first requirement.
Any comment are welcome..

How about manually change delivery date in PO item

Check your config. in OMI4 - scheduling may by ''1'" for Lot size of MB.
Change to Blank.

Friend PPS is correct, Schedule the "REQUIREMENTS DATE = DELIVERY DATE" option in Customizing for Lot Size MB (use Blank instead of 1) & your reqt 'll be met...

We have similar problem and when I applied your solution, the proposed requirement date is perfect.

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PP MRP Reservation Not Created During MRP Run

I have created a planned order thro MRP run, but reservation for raw material is not created, even though stock is available. After conversion to Production order reservation is created. After confirmation and goods reciept MB31 final product is updated in storage location, but raw material quantity is not reducing.

Can any one give solution for this.

Gururaj Hebbar


After MRP run, based on the demand Planned order will be created and for the BOM components sytem will create dependent requirement if stock is available. If stock is not available system creates a planned order or a purchase requistation. Once the planned order of the Header material is converted into a production order , then system converts the dependent requirement into reservations.


After confirmation and goods reciept if the item components are not consumed, it means you have not defined backflush process. If you want to issue manualy to the order u can use T-CODE MB1A, for the same.

1. Check backflush indicator either in routing /workcenter or in material master.
2. In customization production control -operations-confirmation ( general individual entry screen ) check-- post open reservation . It will post open reservation while confirmation.
3. After doing this cross check failed goods movements.
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PP MRP How to Configure Range Of Coverage Profile

I am trying to configure the range of coverage profile to provide a 6 months safety stock, in which the 'target cov' field should be populated with 180 days, but the that field only accepts 2 characters max. Is there another way of accomplishing this or am I doing something wrong. Please let me know. The current setup is:
- Period Indicator = M (Month)
- Type of Period = 1 (Workdays)
- Range of coverage in the first period:
- Min = blank; Target = 90; Max = blank
In this Target value accepts only digit numbers.

Muthu Chinnadurai

Yes the system accepts only two digits. But since you want stock coverage for 180 days. Use target as say 60 and the number of periods as 3 . Try it and keep us posted. But the one other issue is the system calculates the dynamic safety stock.
It easy to calculate the stock for the first period but for the later periods its difficult. So if later there is a problem with the quantity then its difficult to calculate or cross check what system has proposed.


Using target as 60 and number of periods as 3, only results in system maintaining safety stock for 60 days for first 3 periods. I found out that there is no way out of this. Strange that SAP wouldn't let the companies plan for inventory coverage more than
99 days. This is a pharmaceutical client whose procurement lead times are more than 5 months for some of the materials, where they want to maintain a 6 month coverage and SAP wouldn't allow to achieve it. Am I doing something wrong here. Is there another way of maintaining dynamic safety stock for 180 days requirements coverage? Please share your knowledge.


Please let me know in details how the profile coverage works in SAP. In details means how it is being calculated and what is being considered. As I am figuring how I could make use of this function that my customer require us to keep 15 days inventory and customer forecast flucuates drastically every week.

Thanking all in advance for your kind advice and help.


In customizing in MRP calculation menu , you have Range of coverage. Define the range of coverage you want , as you said 15 days for a period of 3 months. Then in the profile first fill the Avg. daily req data and then the range of coverage data.
Use this profile in the material master mrp II view(I think), in range of coverage.
As far as calcualtion are concerned its very to calcualte the Qty for the first period and then for the later periods its difficult.
May be I am wrong, just try and keep us posted


The Range of Coverage profile is define specific to a plant in IMG and then assigned to materials in master data MRP 2 view. To define the profile, use menu path
IMG->PP->MRP->MRP Calculation->Define Range of Coverage Profile. In the definition, there are two sections of data that you need to fill in.
1. Parameters for calculation of average daily requirements and Period indicator.
2. Minimum, Target, and Maximum stock calculation parameters.

Choose the period indicator as Month, Period, or Week.
Specify the number of periods. This is used by system to calculate the average daily requirements.
Select the "Type of Period Length", ie. as workdays or calendar days or standard days (days per period). If the type of period length is selected as standard days, they you have to specify the "days per period". Using these three parameters, the system calculates average daily requirements using the formula:
average daily requirements = Sum of requirements in the number of periods / number of days in the number of periods.

Then you have to specify how many workdays of supply you want to maintain as target stock, in your case 15 workdays. If you wanted to maintain a constant 15 days of supply as inventory through out the planning horizon, just specify the target stock as 15 days and leave rest of the fields as blank, i.e min, max, and number of periods. The number of periods in this section simply maintains the target stock for that many periods from the date of MRP run. This way you can tell the system to maintain different target stock levels for three different period intervals. For example, if you wanted to maintain 15 days stock for first 3 periods, then specify the target stock as 15 days and number of periods corresponding to it as 3. The system then will maintain 15 days supply as inventory for first 3 periods from the date of MRP run and subsequent months zero inventory will be maintained. This will allow you to maintain your 15 days supply constantly for 3 periods.

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PP MRP Lose of link between sales order and production order

Issue with production order confirmation

Due to lose of link between sales order and production order due to credit check problem The production order for higher level component lost link and was hanging out in limbo status.

Now the production order at lower level component also loose track and they were already released where as production orders at higher level were not released

So now lower level production orders were tecoed with BDC program as there were 1200 production orders to be tecoed at lower level .

So once I deleted lower level, I saw that there were planned orders for same component and same sales order and item, this was because MRP was running at same time .

So this MRP generated planned orders as the production orders at highrt level were still hanging there and to full fill those production orders lower level component planned orders were generated

So now cleared the production orders in top level and ran MRP in display mode and found that there were no planned orders for lower level component.

But still there were two more planned order created at higher level has I previously tecoed them and did zero confirmation due to some other reason, So I had to unteco them to delete these planned orders and also cancel confirmation to get the production order element on to MD04 screen. Once Iam done with that it show a message 26

So It should be clear that if the exception message is 20 ie cancel process then that production order must be deleted as there is no requirement to consume this order. As all this context was made in MTO stock product.

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PP Batch Characteristics while Running MRP

Can batch characteristics be considered while running a MRP? I have a finished good that has acid value as its batch characteristics. Based on this acid value I am trying to pick up a certain batch of raw material that is also batch managed and has its characteristics as acid value.

While running MRP qty requirements are transferred and stock is reserved but the required batch qty (having the acid value required) of raw material is not picked.

MRP does NOT use batch data.

Because, while entering PIR, there's no field to enter batch number. When system creates planned order, also there's no field to enter batch number, both for the header material and planned order components.

There's one exception in PP-PI, where you can use batch specific unit of measure. That is, you can define batch level alternative unit of measure. For example, you may have a liquid, and it may have Liters as base unit of measure, and it may also have the percent based active ingredient, that is Liters of the Active Ingredient can be an alternative unit of measure.

So, every movement of material in the system will be done using 2 unit of measures at the same time. e.g. goods receipt of 100 Lt liquid (which is also 80 Liters of Alcohol, because of 80% alcohol potency), for the first batch. also goods receipt of another 100 Lt liquid (which is 60 Liters of Alcohol this time, because of 60% alcohol potency) When you look at your stock, you will see 200 LT liquid, which is equivalent to 140 LT Alcohol ingredient.

What's the use of this active ingredient data during MRP?

When you define the batch unit of measure, you define limits for it. Say, our liquid in previous example can only be between 50% and 90%, therefore we define it like that. Every time we receive this material from vendor, we make the quality inspection and determine the Alcohol percentage. however, while running MRP, system will create purchase requisitions, but it doesn't know the percentage of the liquid our vendor will send.

How will it determine the correct quantity?

In this case, we define a percentage for MRP, and MRP will use that percentage for calculation. e.g. if there's an industry standard that all vendors of that liquid produce it at 75%, or if we are always working with a vendor who produces 68%, then we can enter this data (per material) and MRP will calculate with that percentage.

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PP What is Firming Type in the MRP Types

The firming type dictates the behavior of planning with PTR (Planning Time Fence), i.e whether the system should automatically firm the unfirmed planned orders and purchase requisitions, which are outside the PTF as they move to fall within PTF as days progress and also if new planning proposals are needed to be created to cover the shortage within PTF.

There are five firming types, viz. 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Listed below are the characteristics of these four firming types:

0 - PTF has not effect on planning.

1 - All unfirmed planning proposals (planned orders/purch reqs) moving into PTF will automatically be firmed by the system, thus protecting them from anymore automatica changes due to subsequent planning runs). At the same time, if the MRP engine identifies any shortage within PTF, the system will create new planned orders, but schedule them to lie JUST outside the end of PTF, thus leaving them as unfirmed elements.

2 - All unfirmed planning proposals (planned orders/purch reqs) moving into PTF will automatically be firmed by the system, thus protecting them from anymore automatica changes due to subsequent planning runs). BUT, the system will NOT create any new planning proposals to cover the shortages identified within PTF. The shortage is left as a -ve qty for the planner to deal with manually.

3 - No automatic firming of any unfirmed planned orders, even if they move into PTF. They will be moved out to lie JUST outside the PTF. The system will create new proposals to cover the shortage but schedule them outside the PTF and keep them as unfirmed.

4 - No automatic firming / No automatic creation of planning proposals to cover shortage.
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PP MRP Functions of Production Version

Can somebody enlighten me on the functions of production version and some tips on its configuration?

Production Versions are used to describe the production process to be used for planned / production order.

You can use the production versions based on:
1. Lot size qty
2. Bom explosion dates
3. Based on MRP Group

Why is it required?

Suppose you have 2/3 production lines and 2/3 alternative BOMs to produce one FG.

How system will come to know which BOM and Routing to be used. This is done thru Prod.Version.

In production version we maintain the combination of BOM and routing.
Also it can be designed with lot size or validity period.
Go to MM02--->MRP4 / Work scheduling view ----> Prod.Version.
Enter the validity period and lot size.
After entering the reqd. routing no. and BOM alternative , carry a check.
After getting the Green signals ,Continue.
Thus you have saved the prod. version.
Mass processing TCode- C223.

Does this mean that I have to activate all the BOM’s if in case I have 3 alternative BOM’s? if yes, then, will it these 3 BOM’s be exploded in MRP? I’m just worried ‘coz I might bloat our inventory if there are three active BOM’s.

No.First of all need not worry about the BOM explosion.

As I told you earlier which BOM and which Routing is decided by Prod.Version.

So in MRP the active prod.version only will be considered. Thus active BOM and active Routing will be used for MRP.

The question comes: How to deactivate the alternative BOMs and Routing?

Two Ways:
1. You lock all other non-relevant Prod.Versions in MM02 of the FG/SFG material.(Every alternative BOM and routing forms a Prod.Version) Thus even if there are 2/3 prod.versions System will go and check for Unlocked prod. version and use it.

2. If you don't want to do this business of "Lock & Unlock" just place the required version at the first place in list of prod.versions in MRP4 view of the material.
Once system finds the first prod.version it will not spend energy in searching other alternatives.

Also please.don't forget to maintain the selection value of "2" in MRP 4 view for BOM selection.

This will enable you to start the use of prod. version functionality in SAP-PP.(very good tool for practical purposes, costing and MRP).
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PP MRP What is Discrete Manufacturing, REM and Demand Management?

1. What is Discrete Manufacturing?
2. What is REM?
3. What is Demand Management?

Here are difference between Discrete and REM and small explanation about discrete and repetative manf.:

- A typical characteristic of discrete manufacturing is the frequent switching from one manufactured product to another. The products are typically manufactured in individually defined lots, the sequence of work centers through production varying for each one of these. Costs are calculated on the basis of orders and individual lots.

- In Repetitive Manufacturing, products remain unchanged over a longer period and are not manufactured in individually defined lots. Instead, a total quantity is produced over a certain period at a certain rate.

- Discrete manufacturing typically involves varying the sequence of work centers through which the products can pass during production. The order of work centers is determined in routings, which can often be very complex. There can be waiting times between the individual work centers. Also, semi-finished products are frequently placed in interim storage prior to further processing.

- Repetitive Manufacturing, on the other hand, normally involves a relatively constant flow on production lines. Semi-finished products are usually processed further immediately without being put in interim storage. Routings tend to be relatively simple.

- In discrete manufacturing, component materials are staged with specific reference to the individual production lots. Completion confirmations for the various steps and processes document the work progress and enable fine-tune controlling.

- In Repetitive Manufacturing, components are often staged at the production line without reference to a particular order. Completion confirmations are less detailed, and the recording of actual data is simplified.

- The function of Demand Management is to determine requirement quantities and delivery dates for finished products assemblies. Customer requirements are created in sales order management. To create a demand program, Demand Management uses planned independent requirements and customer requirements.

To create the demand program, you must define the planning strategy for a product. Planning strategies represent the methods of production for planning and manufacturing or procuring a product.

Using these strategies, you can decide if production is triggered by sales orders (make-to-order production), or if it is not triggered by sales orders (make-to-stock production).You can have sales orders and stock orders in the demand program. If the production time is long in relation to the standard market delivery time, you can produce the product or certain assemblies before there are sales orders. In this case, sales quantities are planned, for example, with the aid of a sales forecast.

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PP MRP Discrete Manufacturing - The Made To Order Cycle

In sap there is specific transaction flow for a particular Mfg. all depends upon the req. of client and process.

Here is the basic flow of transactions which is req. for creating master data, planning and order processing...

The Made TO Order Cycle:

The sale department passes on the Made to order-Sales Order to the Material department so that material requirement is analyzed. This is done in SAP by carrying on an MRP Run for all the levels of the product BOM. This MRP Run would create Planned Orders for the shortages. Here the planned orders for fert sub assemblies, Components etc, are created. This planned orders for materials produced in house are converted in to Production order and planned orders for materials
procured from outside are converted in to Purchase order. The creation of Production order through the planned orders will convert all the dependant requirements in to dependant reservations.

The dates of production or purchase are decided through the total replenishment time mentioned in the material master, If it is, in-house production, then the Route times precede over the total replenishment time entered in the material master. And the availability of all the components is ruled by the availability checking rules and by availability checking scopes. Thus whenever the system declares a product to be ready or available by a date it implies that the system has checked the availability of the material with respect to the Ware house stock, in coming stock (Receipts) and all other planned orders already existing for the product or material.

In the Made to order production, sales order produced for Fert and Sub assemblies are converted in to production order during MRP run. The production orders created have a specific quantity, specific Basic start date and a specific Basic Finish Date, a set of operations and a set of component attached from the BOM. In course of production the quantities produced in the operation for an order should be confirmed so that the current status of work is available in real time situation. The components required for production are issued to the production order through goods issue by a movement type 261 and the issue is always made to the reservations or to the order, thereby clearing the reservations. Issues of unplanned components are made as new items issue and not as order issue. The quantities, for an order which are produced completely are the put in to stock i.e. a Goods Receipt is done.

Thus the made to order cycle starts with the sales orders and converting them to Production Orders through MRP Run and there off confirming produced quantities for an order and finally putting the order in to stock.

The Cycle of Made to order: Steps: MTO Scenario

1. Material Creation (Made To order Material with major changes of: Item Category: 0004-make to order/assem.,or 0001-make to order)
2. Route Creation
3. Creation of BOM
4. Sales order
5. Production order Scheduling, Costing, Release and Save
6. Production order Quantity confirmations for operations, Parallel task of material issue to order or to reservations (261)
7. Fully Produced Production Quantities will be put into stock (GR)
8. Delivery against sales order
9. Invoicing.
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PP MRP Discrete Manufacturing - The Made To Stock Cycle

The Made To Stock Cycle

The Made to stock scenario will start from Demand Management here we can create Planed independent requirements manually or by using data from SOP. After MRP run system will create planned orders which we can convert to Production order As the Stocks produced there off are not customer stock or the stock is not attached to any specific customer. Further confirmations are done and issues of material are carried out to the production order. Finally the production is put in to stock (GR).

Here at any point of time a sales order might come in and delivery to the customer is done from the existing stock.

Production Master Data

The Production Master Data consists of Material Master, Bill of Material, Work Center, Route, and Production Line Design.

The Material Master is created first for all components involved in making the Final product. Then these components are put in a product relationship i.e. a list of materials required to make the final product are put in a hierarchy, this is called a Bill of Material.

The next task is to identify the work centers required to produce the product; if the work centers are already created then they can be readily put in a sequence, which would be a sequence of work centers required to produce the product. This sequence of work centers one after the other (in the sequence of work to be done) is called a Route.

The Cycle of Made to stock: Steps: MTS Scenario

1. Material Creation (Made To Stock Material with major changes of: Item Category: NORM )
2. Creation of BOM
3. Route Creation
4. Demand requirements
5. MRP Run
6. Creation/conversion of Production order (Made To stock), Scheduling, Costing, Release and Save
7. Production order Quantity confirmations for operations, Parallel task of material Issue to order or to reservations (261)
8. Fully Produced Production Quantities will be put into stock (GR)
9. Sales order Creation
10. Delivery against sales order
11. Invoicing.
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PP MRP Discrete Manufacturing - The Step By Step Tcodes

Step 1: Material Master
Logistics > Production > Master Data > Material Master > Material > Create General > Immediately MM01

Step 2: BOM creation
Logistics > Production > Master Data > Bills of Material > Bills of Material > Material BOM > Create CS01

Step 3: Work Center creation
Logistics > Production > Master Data > Work Center > ( New Screen ) Work Center > Create CR01

Step 4: Route creation
Logistics > Production > Master Data > Routings > Routings > Routing > Create CA01

Step 5: PIR Generation
Logistics> Production>production planning>demand management>PIR>Create MD61

Step 6: MRP Run
Logistics>Materials Management>Material planning>MRP>MRP>Total Planning>Online MD01


Logistics > Production > MRP > MRP > Sng-Item, Multi-Level MD02

Step 7: Evaluation through MRP list and Stock requirement list
Logistics>Materials Management>Materials Planning>MRP>Evaluations>MRP List>Individual Display MD05

Logistics>Materials Management>Materials Planning>MRP>Evaluations>Stock Requirements List MD04

Step 8: Conversion of Planned order to Production order

Logistics > Production > Production control > Order > Create > With a planned order CO40


Logistics >Production > Production control >Order > Create >With material CO01(For creating production order Without planned order)

Step 9: Order management
Logistics >Production > Production control >Order > Change >With material CO02

Step10: Confirmations
Logistics >Production >Production control >Confirmation >Enter >For order CO15


Logistics >Production >Production control >Confirmation >Enter >For Operation >For time ticket CO11N

Step11: Goods issue
1. Logistics >Production >Production Control >Environment >Goods Movement >Goods Issue
2. Logistics >Materials Management >Inventory Management >Goods Movement >Goods Issue MB1A--261Movement type

Step12: Goods receipt
Logistics > Production > Production Order > Environment > Material Movement > Post Mat to Stock


Logistics > Materials Management > Inventory Management > Goods Movement > Good Receipt > For Order MB31

Step13: Techo Or Close Order.

This can be done from Prd. Order Header menu.
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PP MRP Steps To Do Repetative Manufacturing

Repetative manufacturing is period based planning and not based on orders. Normally same products will be manufactured over longer period of time..products will not change frequently. Confirmation is from backflushing and settlement is through from product cost collector for the period. Confirmaton will be without ref to planned orders. Planned orders are sufficient to carry out shop floor activity. In master data production versions and cost collector is must where this is not mandatory in discreate.

You do these steps for rem production:

mm01 : Material Master
- MRP - 4 view you click rem

cs01 : Create Bom

cr01 : Create Work Center

ca21 : Create Rate Routing

mm02 : Prodn Version

md61 : Create PIR

mc74 : Transfer PIR to Demand

kkf6n : Create Product Cost Collector

mb1c : Create Stock

md02 : MRP run

mfbf : Rem Back Flush

The detailed sequence of T.Codes for REM including Std cost estimate.

Material master - MM01

BOM - CS01

Price Planning - KP26

Work Center - CR01

Rate Routing - CA21

Material Master Change, enter production version - MM02 (MRP 4 View)

Product Cost Collector - KKF6N

Costing - CK40N

Backflushing - MFBF

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PP Message / System Status Changing warning msgs to error msg n vice-versa

In the customizing, for some of the modules, there are some transactions which allow us to change the type of the system messages, to warning, error, or no message at all. But they work only for some of the specific messages, not all of them! You should check the corresponding customizing menu and check if suits your needs..

Some examples:
OPJB for production messages
OBA5 for CO messages
OMT4 for material master messages

Otherwise, you have to find other work-arounds to meet the requirement to change the message type.


Why is the need to restrict to only some of the messages? System divides the messages into 2 categories from business side. Some messages are issued by the processing ABAP program and they cannot be changed. Because the program cannot continue to run without correcting those errors. But some messages do not result in any contradictions for the processing program, but might affect the succeeding operations in that business process.

Here's the example:

For the first case,
When creating the production order, we have to enter the order quantity. There's no way thet system can continue if we do not enter the quantity. So there's no doubt that we shouldn't be able to change the error type for this.

For the second case,
When i create a production order, i can create the batch number for the product in the order before saving the order. And the system checks whether i entered the batch number in the order or not. For the production order creation, it's not a must to enter product batch number beforehand. System can save the order. We can create the product batch separately, or even we can create it during goods receipt for order. Therefore, system could allow us to change the message type to error or warning. If our production process is desingned, so that the person making the goods receipt shouldn't enter other batch number than that entered in production order, we should make the message type error, so that the planner should have to create the batch number during creation. If however, we only create the batch number during goods receipt, we should allow the planner not to enter batch number beforehand... (This was just a fiction example, do not question it, and don't look for this setting in the customizing)

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Production Planning - Production Control System Messages

You can manage the production control system messages with transaction OPJB.

In this step you can specify whether the SAP System will :-

- suppress this information
- displays it as a warning
- displays it as an error message

In the case of the error message you can only process it further if you correct the entry.

You can also group the messages according to user classes by saving the messages in different

Process the list of messages by assigning every message a message category.

If you have saved message categories under different versions you can assign a version to
specific users.

This has the effect that the same message appears as an error for one user
and a warning for another.

To do this you must assign the parameter ID "MSV" and the version number to the
corresponding user master records in transaction SU01.
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PP Message / System Status Production Order System Status

Tell the difference between TECHO and CLOSED.

TECO means Technically completed order, means with out full completion of order. That production order stopped because of some reasons. CLOSED means after completion of confirmation and settlement the order is fully closed for further processing.

How to delete released production orders?

In the prodcution order, select Functions --> Deletion flag -->Active to delete production order. This method can be used for production orders having CRTD (ie created) and REL (released) status. However, it is not possible to delete a production order with REL and GMPS (ie. after the withdrawl of materials for the order) status.

You can TECO the production orders with REL and GMPS status.

CO13 is used to cancel the confirmation of a production order.

Once Final Goods Receipt is post & Order is completed n it is Technically Completed it should not allow any goods movement against that order but this is not happening & one can issue goods even if the order is TECO.

When order status is Teco, system allow us to do the posting against the order. Once order status is closed, then only order treated as closed for execution.

In TECO status you can post the remaining activity/goods movement. Like if you have one order that contains the 5 operation and out of 5, 3 you are confirming in the current period and suppose, rest you are doing in the next period. So at the time of settlement for current period, order status should be Teco cause you will do some operation is the next period and cost for next period should be settle on next period. after that you have to close the order.

So TECO allows the postings.

If the requirement is not allowing any goods movement while system status TECO is active, pls try this approach in the config:
1. go to tcode BS22 (Maintain: System Status)
2. look for the system status TECO.
3. Double click the field "TECO".
4. in the transaction control tab look for the business transaction "RMWA" or goods movement (you can type it in the lower left corner buttom box).
5. select the radio button from "Allowed" to Disallowed".
6. save your changes.
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Explain System and User Status In Production Order

What is System Status in PP?
A system status is a status set by the system. It informs the user that a particular function was carried out on an object. You cannot influence a system status in any way, that is, it cannot be directly deleted or changed. Example: When you release a production order, the system automatically sets the system status "released". You cannot influence this status unless you carry out a business transaction that leads to a change of the system status.

You can activate any number of statuses in a production order. It is possible for a production order to be simultaneously "released", "pre-costed", "printed" and "confirmed".

The Main system statuses which are in use at Netafim:
- CRTD = Created. This is the status given to each production order upon creation. As long as a production order has not
been released, it cannot be printed or confirmed.
- REL = Released. Once a production order is created, it can be released for production either automatically or manually.
- PCNF = Partially Confirmed. This status is given to an order once the first confirmation had been received from the
shopfloor. This status will change automatically to CNF when a final confirmation will be done.
- CNF = Confirmed. Confirmations of production progress and produced goods are reported to SAP from the shop flor.
A final confirmation is given to an order when its production is complete.
- PDLV = Partially delivered. This status is given to production order that is partially delivered.
- DLV = Delivered. This status is given to production order that is fully delivered.
- TECO = Technically Complete. This status is given to production orders which had been given both CNF status (final
production confirmation) as well as User Status of CHECK (see "User Status" section). TECO is set automatically by a daily job running in the background.
- DLFL = Deletion Flag. This status indicates that the order had been marked for deletion, but was not erased from the
information system.

What is User Status in PP?
A user status is activated by the user and can be created as an addition to the existing system status. You can define and
activate any number of user statuses. To define a user status, you need to have created a status profile, which is created per order type in Customizing.

The Main user statuses which are in use at Netafim:
- Rel. = Released. This user status is given to the production order with its creation.
- Prod. = Production. Once a first production confirmation has been made, the Rel. status is changed to Prod.
- Clo. = Closed. User status given to a production order which was fully confirmed (system status CNF).
- Check = The controller marks a production order as "Check" after performing a thorough examination with the aid of "Work Order for Check" report (the report list all the production orders with CNF system statuses but with no TECO system status). Upon marking the production order as "Check", the system will automatically mark the production order as TECO. The status indicates that controlling can process the production order.
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Monday, September 7, 2009

SAP PP Certification Sample Questions I

Caution: more than one answer may be correct.
Please mark ALL correct answers.

The following control parameters can be set in a long-term planning scenario :

A Planning period
B Opening stock
C Strategy group
D MRP type
E Version of available capacity

What is the name of the planning level for the MRP run?


What are the main features of the MRP types 'PD' or 'VB'?

A. 'PD' can only be used with 'Net Change Planning'
B. 'VM' can only be used in total planning
C. 'PD' triggers a BOM explosion
D. 'VM' can use the forecast for the calculation of the safety stock

What is the meaning of the planning time fence?

A. It determines the planning period for the planning run
B. It determines the period in which the planned orders are to be converted into production orders
C. It determines the period in which no automatic changes are to be made to the production plan

In forecast-based planning, which forecast model does SAP support?

A. dynamic model
B. seasonal trend model
C. split trend model
D. Consumption model

What conditions must be fulfilled in Customizing if a production order is to be checked for availability?

A. Scope of check
B. Checking group
C. checking rule
D. Checking assignment
E. Inspection period

Q) Can any body explain me why work scheduling view is required for semi finished and finished products? (Because we'll mention all details in MRP views)

A) We need to maintain working scheduling view in order to make that finished or semi finished goods available for production as we assign production scheduler and production scheduler profile in this view, if not maintained conversion of planned order to production will not be possible.

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SAP PP Self Test Certification Questions

1. Following are valid BOM categories

a) Inspection BOM
b) Material BOM
c) Equipment BOM
d) Costing BOM

Ans : b, c, d

2. Material BOM that is created without plant is called______________

a) Reference BOM
b) Master BOM
c) Group BOM
d) Master group

Ans: c

3. If a Header Material is used as a BOM item in the same BOM the BOM is referred as ___

a) Repetitive BOM
b) Alternative BOM
c) Multiple BOM
d) Flexible BOM
e) Recursive BOM


4. Alternative BOMs are grouped under one internal number and are called__________

a) Multiple BOM
b) Variant BOM
c) Variable BOM
d) Super BOM
e) Header BOM


5. BOM can be used for the following

a) MRP
b) Costing
c) Inspection data
d) Sales & Distribution

Ans: a, b, c, d

6. The base quantity in the BOM specifies

a) To which amount of the semi finished product the item quantities refer
b) To which amount the item quantities required for two or more finished products
c) To which amount of the finished product the item quantities refer
d) To which amount the item quantities are not calculated.

Ans: a, b, c

7. Work Center is used in

a) Routing
b) BOM
c) Material Master
d) Inspection Plans

Ans: a, d

8. Routing contains information on the following

a) Material Components
b) Operations
c) Capacity for Work Centers
d) Inspection Characteristics

Ans: a, b, c

9. Alternative sequences in routing are created with reference to

a) Parallel Sequence
b) Master Sequence
c) Standard Sequence
d) Reference Sequence


10. Work Center requires formulas for the following

a) Move time
b) Scheduling
c) Capacity requirements
d) Cost estimate using activities


11. Routings are identified by ____________________

a) Routing Group
b) Routing Status
c) Group Counter Values
d) Routing Group and Group Counter Values
e) Status and use


12. You can assign work center to only one cost center in a time period.

a) True b) False


13. Production Planning Module is integrated with the following modules.

a) Material Management
b) Controlling
c) Quality Management
d) Sales & Distribution

Ans: a, b, c, d

14. Movement Type for Goods Receipt in to Ware House

a) 122 b) 123 c) 101 d) 102

Ans: c

15. Movement Type for Transfer Posting to storage location

a) 261 b) 301 c) 311 d) 305

Ans: c

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SAP PP Questions and Answers II

What are the cutover activities followed for PP module?

I am listing some cut over activities to be followed (for PP - Discrete Manufacturing).

Production Planning / Master data:
For Production planning, only master data shall be migrated to SAP. In the 1st Stage, there is no master data. Following is the master data elements relevant for PP:

- Bill of materials
- Routing.
- Work Centres.

Transaction data:
As of the cut off date, ideally there should not be any work in process. All the open production orders should be closed and semi finished goods should be dismantled and should be added to Raw materials. This strategy should be followed for all production orders where lead time to complete the production order is not large.

Since, the production orders are for longer duration and it is not possible to dismantle the product and add it to inventory, following can be the strategy for migrating the data to SAP:

- Create a material master for the work in process and set the standard price as the cost incurred for that product (ie. Work in process)
- Create a bill of material (which will be used only for this production order) including this material and other materials still to be consumed.
- Create Routing for rest of the production process.
- Bring the work in process material into inventory as of the cut off date.
- Create the production orders in SAP for the Work in process and issue materials to production order.

Complete the production process after the cut off date of the project.

Tips by: K.S.Kulkarni

What happens to planned after it has been converted into production order?

When you convert Planned order to Production order. the planned order are offset by production order. Reference of planned order can be seen in the production order.

How to attach a drawing for a material to BOM? Is it possible?

Yes, you can attach a drawing.
First create a document using Transaction Code "CV01N - Create Document".
Attach your drawing in that document.
The system will generate a document number. Assign this document in the BOM with item category D.

Report in Long Term Planning - You use long term planning for your customers, what they need are very simple, just to calculate future requirements for 1 or 2 years.
Are there any reports in SAP to list of material requirement from LTP?
You need a list of material requirement from long term planning result for each item.

Use MS70 then use MCEC.

Scheduling planned order - How can you get planned orders scheduled so that you can do capacity leveling?
MD11 and then Schedule works fine but ideally you would want the the planned order scheduled automatically on creation? You have tried setting up an action to schedule the orders but cannot get that to work either.

When running MRP, try selecting "2" in the scheduling box this will bring planned orders into CM01 and CM21

Capacity planning CM01 - When you run capacity planning T-code: CM01, you found the plan orders are not included in the pegged requirement, you checked the profile, the check box for order and plan order are all actived.

Guess that planned orders have been created without capacity requirement indicator in MRP ("2" - Lead Time scheduling), if this is the case, then when converted to process orders they will have impact on the Resource. If you want to see them as planned orders, re-run the MRP or change in every planned order, going to the Menu: Edit --> Scheduling

Another couple of possibilities are to do with the routing/work centres used and whether it isactually calculates consumption of capacity of the category at the work centre being displayed in CM01 (it might consume a capacity pool or it might not consume the category).

MPS in Backgound/Online - You want to run MPS for a plant either online or in the background, but you do not get any results. If you run MPS for a single material/plant, then everything is 100% OK.

You need to run a planning file and a consistency check first, transaction OMDO and MDRE respectively you'll need to set up two jobs to do it but it is straight forward, once you've done this set up the background job for MPS to run and do it in NEUPL first time round and then change to NETCH after that.

What is the output of MPS run?

From MPS run you plan the materials which are of 'A' type in the abc analysis (80% dollar value) that have to be planned before hand.
MPS is also a type of MRP only in which components just below the materials on which MPS run is taken place, are planned.

Table for production order status - What is the table for finding status (for Ex TECO ed prodn orders). We are not able to find from AFKO and AFRU tables the status of production orders or at least the link tables if known can be mentionned. You are unable to link the structure caufvd and IOHEADER WITH AFKO and AFRU.

JEST is the table.

Data dictonary table for SOP planning data - You are using Standard SOP (Info structure S076), in which table can you see the planning values that you maintained in MC93 transaction?
You looked under table "S076" and did not see any values there.

Use T.Code MC95 to display your entries under the version which maintained the the table S076.

Production order operation's component allocation - How does SAP know that an operation has components as indicated by the component allocation indicator? Tcode CO08.

Component allocation is done via routing maintenance or BOM maintenance for the assembly. This is master data maintenance. As soon as a PO is created, the master data is read into the PO.

How to delete groups of products?
How to delete a group of products that was created in screen MC84?

Delete the members in the product group and then archive the product group in transaction SARA, object=MM_MATNR.
(The product group is created as a material master record with material type PROD and this record is deleted in SARA.)

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Sample Questions on SAP PP

1. Which is the highest organisational level in SAP

a) Plant b) Client c) Storage Location

Ans: b

2. For Material Master record PP Data which is the highest organisational level

a) Plant b) Client c) Storage Location

Ans: a

3. What is the difference between F1 Help & F4 Help.

a) F1 is for possible values and F4 is for application help
b) F1 is for Application Help and F4 is for Technical Help
c) F1 is for Field Help and F4 is for possible entries.
d) None of the above

Ans: c

4. Variant Configuration is typically used in

a) Make – to – stock Environment
b) Make – to – Order Environment
c) Spare parts Sale
d) Repetitive Manufacturing Environment

Ans: a

5. Configurable Material check for a material is set in _____________

a) Basic Data b) MRP View
c) Sales View d) Classification


6. Basic Data screen contains general data such as

a) Material Number
b) Material description
c) Base unit of measure
d) Technical data

Ans: a, b, c

7. Functions of Classification are

a) To find an appropriate object
b) To find similar objects
c) To establish that no appropriate object exists.


8. Entering “/o” in command field

a) Ends current transaction
b) Ends the current cession
c) Opens new cession
d) Opens new transaction


9. For creating Material Master the following Transaction Code is used :

a) md01
b) mm01
c) me01
d) mc01

Ans: b

10. The unit in which the stock keeping is done in a company is called

a) Stock unit of measure
b) Base unit of measure
c) Unit of issue
d) Purchase unit of measure

Ans: b

11. Batch is

a) Same as material code
b) Partial quantity of material managed separately from other quantity of same material in stock
c) A non reproducible homogeneous unit with unique specifications
d) None of above
e) All of above

Ans: b

12. A _____________________________ is a complete, formally structured list of the components that make up a product or assembly.


13. Component in the BOM are allocated to operation in

a) BOM
b) Material Master
c) Routing
d) Work Center

Ans: c

14. BOM contains the following

a) List of Components
b) Qty of Components
c) Operation to which components is attached.
d) Unit of Measure of components

Ans: a, b, d

15. BOMs are always created as

a) Single Level
b) Multi Level
c) Components
d) Along with routings

Ans: a

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SAP PP Test Questions MCQ

1. A plant can be a physical plant or a logical section of a plant

a) Yes b) No.

Ans: a

Storage locations are areas where materials are stored within a plant

a) Yes b) No.

Ans: a

A purchasing organization can buy for a number of plants

a) Yes b) No.

Ans: a

A purchasing group is a sub-set of a purchasing organization

a) Yes b) No.

Ans: a

2. Strategy Group is relevant for Material Requirement Planning

a) True b) False

Ans: a

3. MRP can be caried out at :

a) Plant Level
b) All Routings
c) Single item – single level
d) Single item – multiple level

Ans: a, c, d

4. In Material Requirement Planning

a) Material availability is ensured
b) If shortage exists the corresponding elements are planned
c) Stock transfers are also possible
d) The availability of the components is ensured via dependent requirements

Ans: d

5. With Make – to Stock strategy 10

a) MRP run considers only Sales Orders
b) MRP run considers only PIR
c) MRP run considers both Sales Order & PIR
d) Sales Order can consume PIR

Ans: b

6. The Individual / Collective indicator in the material Master determines

a) Whether a component is procured for a special customer requirement in the individual segment
b) Requirement quantities of dependent materials are grouped together during MRP run
c) The Material Requirement Planning
d) The Special Procurement.

Ans: c

7. ATP – Available to Promise (Availability check)

a) System checks if all issues are covered by existing receipts
b) Checks if receipts’ quantity still available to cover newly received issues

Ans: a

8. Availability Check PIRs

System does not check against PIRs

a) True b) False

Ans: b

No ATP quantities, receipts or stocks are included

a) True b) False

Ans: b

Determines if sufficient PIRs are planned to cover a SO

a) True b) False

Ans: b

9. Consumption based planning is usually used for following materials

a) All A & B Class Materials
b) Materials with smooth consumption pattern.

Ans: b

10. For Planning at Phantom Assembly Level planned orders are created for Phantom assembly

a) True b) False

Ans: b

11. Stock Requirements List gives ___________________ situation of stock requirement for the material

a) Static : of the last MRP Run
b) Dynamic : Existing at current situation

Ans: b

12. Is Sales order A Qty. 15 PC and Sales order B Qty. 25 PC are booked on same date and stock is 0 PC

a) Separate Planned Order for each Sales Order shall be created if individual indicator is set
b) Only one planned order is created if individual indicator is set
c) Separate Planned Order for each Sales Order shall be created if Collective indicator is set
d) Only one planned order is created if Collective indicator is set

Ans: a, d

13. Planning can create the following after MRP run

a) Planned Orders
b) Production Orders
c) Purchase Orders
d) Schedule Lines

Ans: a, b

14. NETCH is

a) Used in Demand Management
b) Key to run MRP for Total horizon
c) Key to run MRP for Total Planning horizon
d) Not related to MRP

Ans: c

15. Regenerative Planning

a) Plans all material for a specified plant
b) Plans all material for a specified plant for total planning horizon
c) Stands practical for the first time planning run


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Interview Questions and Anwsers on SAP PP

1. If you have released Prdn order today and it had gone to shop floor. Next day it was found that there is shortage of material. What will you?
2. How you define Standard Cost and Variable cost in PP?
3. Where can you find Read PP Master in SAP(PP)?
4. What are all the settings done for configuring integration of PP with FICO?

1. Do availability check. You will get missing parts list. Procure those missing parts. Then confirm the production order. One more thing you can do, change customize setting so that user cannot release if parts are missing during order release.

2. Standard cost is the cost which is fixed for a period, variable cost is varying with period. As for example cost of semi finished, finished materials are fixed & cost of raw materials are varied.

3. You will find in master data tab page of production header data overview, CO02 - Read PP Master Data. Also from Functions menu you will get Read PP Master Data. This means that you want the system to re-update the production order with the latest BOM structure.

Tcode CO02 - Read PP Master data

4. Assigning of Cost center to work center. Assigning Activity type to work center, Standard Cost estimate, Costing Run, Order settlement, Product costing. *-- Chandan Majumdar


1. Can MRP be carried out for one particular level of a bom ( Level code : 0001/0002 etc).
Yes it can be done by running for specific materials (Single Material Single Level)

2 How Requiements( PIR,Sles Order, Customer Requirement) are reduced after they are produced?
Reqmts are reduced automatically after Delivery is made to the Particular Order
(In case of Strategy 11, the PIRs are consumed after the GR for Production Order)

3. Can't one material be assigned to more than one operation in a routing?
One material from a BOM CANNOT be assigned to different Operations.
It can be done by defining the material for so many times as required in the BOM

4. How to insert an inspection checkpoint at the end of an operation?
If in process sample is to be defined, assign inspection type 03 in the Material Master.
Then create MICs and assign them in the Routings.
System automatically generates the Inspection Lots

5. Where we have to specify the teardown time in one operation?
Teardown time can be defined as one of the Standard Parameters...

6. How the process time is calculated in a WC when both labour, Machine categories exist?
Scheduling is done based on the Capacity Category we define in the Workcenter

7. How to create opbject dependencies in a BOM FOR A CONFIGURABLE MATERIAL?
Go to Extras -> Object Dependency -> Assign
For this U need to create Characteristics and Class (of Class Type 300) earlier

8. Can any body explain me why work scheduling view is required for semi finished and finished products?
(Because we'll mention all details in MRP views)
A) We need to maintain working scheduling view in order to make that finished or semi finished goods available for
production as we assign production scheduler and production scheduler profile in this view, if not maintained
conversion of planned order to production will not be possible.
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PP Interview Questions Year End To Do List

We will do our first year end. What should I do for the PP module?

These are the activities we have defined for ALL areas including PP and they are in addition to your normal month end closing:

1. Create new material document number ranges for the new year.

2. Generate period rules for Asset Accounting.

3. Do Asset Accounting year end close and Fiscal year change.

4. Roll all A/R and A/P balances.

5. Close out all nominal / P&L accounts in accounting.

6. Enter all cost center budgets for the new year.

7. Enter new standard costs for your materials for January 1 of the new year.

8. Maintain the planning for your activity type used in your work centers for the new year
(otherwise you will not be able to do confirmations in the new year.)

9. Create calendar for new year.

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SAP Production Planning and Control Frequently Asked Question

Bills Of Material

Q: We have a BOM - 'A' with two packing materials 'X' and 'Y'. For 1000 units of 'A', 1 packing material of 'X' is required and for 50 units of 'A', 1 packing material of 'Y' is required. Base quantity of 'A' is defined as 1000. How can I define 'X' & 'Y' or in fact 'A'?

A: Make the base quantity of 'A' as 5000. The resulting component quantities would be 5 of 'X' and 100 of 'Y'.

Work Centers

Q: Can we have more than 6 standard values in standard value key?

A: One way to achieve this is to create another operation step using the same work center. However this shall be with a control key that is not a milestone. When the milestone operation is confirmed, the previous operations up to the next milestone are automatically confirmed. To get the desired number of standard values , all the 'non milestone' steps can be built depending on the need.


Q: Can we use same routing for materials undergoing the same process/operations? Can we avoid separate routing for each and every material produced?

A1: Presume that there are 50 products and the fabrication shop uses a set of 10 machines. If all these products use the same settings of the machines, Reference Operation Sets (task list type S) can be setup for common processes that use the same work centers. However costing, scheduling and capacity will be affected if each product has different setup time and Reference Operation sets can not be used.
A routing for each material number ( type N or R) has to be set up and within that routing, the Reference Operation Set can be used.
However you can by try utilizing the KMAT material and product variants invariant configuration to avoid separate routing for each material.
A2: You may create a routing group. Go into routing creation and enter the plant and the group name. If you want you may name the group , else name is assigned by internal counter). Create the routing with the work centers, operation times, etc. Go to the "Header overview" screen and click on the "Mat Alloc" screen. Fill in the blanks with all the material masters that use this routing.

Q: Scheduling times can be defined in the material master record by;
# entering the in-house production time. This value can be updated from the routing by the system.
# entering the setup, tear down, processing, and interoperation times. If these values are maintained, the system determines the in-house production time on the basis of lot size.
How do you get the system to update this value from the routing?
A: In routing, carry out scheduling. Go into the routing operation overview and follow Extras -> Scheduling -> Results. The pop-up window displays the scheduling data. At the bottom there is a pushbutton to copy the scheduling data to the material master Check this push button to update master data.

Q: We have deleted a group key in an operation in routing and the same does not appear for this routing (CA02). But we noticed that entries are maintained in table PLPO and the deletion indicator is not set. How does the system remember this deletion of group key?
A: You may look at the tables PLKO, MAPL and PLAS.

Sales & Operations Planning

Q: We defined SOP in months. However during SOP transfer to demand management, our independent requirements are appearing in weeks. How can we correct this from weeks into months ?

A: Check transaction OMPA for general split. OMPS - based on the MRP group. Ensure that MRP group assigned to the material. Delete any allocations in these tables. Then periods will be transferred to Demand Management with the same splits as in SOP. Also check whether the value of period is set as "month" at your plant level in Transaction 'OMP7'

Demand Management

Q: Sales quantities in SOP for certain days are transferred into Demand Management and are shown as planned independent requirements. We need to keep the settings in SOP and change the periods in Demand Management? We would like to have a rolling horizon, for ex: the following 4 weeks on a daily basis, after that on a monthly basis. What is the best way to do this?

A: Use the automatic period split function.


Q: We have a lot size procedure here which is creating more order proposals. How do you set the limit value for maximum number of MRP order proposals per date in IMG?
A: Under customization, try materials management->consumption based planning->maintain all plants

Q: What is the difference between "planned consumption" and "Unplanned consumption"? Can safety stock calculation be done on either of these?
A: While customizing movement types (OMJJ) it is defined as to which set of consumption values gets posted during the material movement. For some it may always be the total consumption and for some it is always the unplanned one and for some it is dependent on whether the issues were done with reference to a reservation ie., a planned consumption. The way these consumption values are taken into account in MRP is defined in the customizing of MRP types.
For Reorder point planning (VM) the total consumption is used to calculate the safety stock and the reorder point.
For Forecast based planning (VV) the total consumption is used to build the forecast which will be used to compile the order proposals.
For Deterministic MRP (PD) the unplanned consumption is used to calculate the forecast which in turn is added to the actual demand.

Q: We want the system to run a single level MRP automatically on receipt of sales order. How to configure triggering event based MRP?
A: This can only be run if material master has planning strategy 41 (made-to-order) in the MRP2 view. We need to run for other MRP types. We have to create a user exit in the sales order processing (VA01) to start MRP based on data from our sales transaction.

Q: We have an assembly 'A' using a subassembly 'B'. 'B' in turn uses raw material 'C'. Item 'A' is an MPS and is duly marked in Material Master. Item 'B' and 'C' are marked as 'PD'. When demand for 'A' is entered and MPS is run , upto which level the requirements are taken care of?
A: MRP can be run depending on your requirement. For example:

1. Single Item / Single Level from MPS - Transaction Code MD42 - Only the top MPS item ( 'A' in this case) is planned and dependent requirements will be passed to MRP item ( 'B' ) . Run MRP, Transaction MD02 on 'B' to plan it and all MRP items below .
2. Single Item / Multi Level from MPS - Transaction Code MD41 - All levels are planned - A , B & C
3. Total Planning from MPS online or background - Transaction Code MD40 or MDBS

Without marking the checkbox " Process MRP materials" is like case ( 1) above and with the checkbox marked is like case (2 ).
Production Orders

Q: We get an error message "Control parameters for scheduling not defined" while creating test production Orders. Why?
A: Before you attempt creating Production orders, configure your
Order types- Transaction Code OPHJ
Order type Dependent parameters - Transaction Code OPL8
Backorder Scheduling - Transaction Code OMIH
Scheduling Levels - Transaction Code OMIF

Q: We are trying to create Purchase Requisition from MRP run. We have material , info Record, Source list , Demand in place. MRP is always creating plan order. Why?
A: Check the procurement type in MRP view of material master. Check 'Create Purchase requisition' indicator while running MRP. If you want purchase requisitions to be created in the opening period, select the for MRP control parameter 'create purchase requisitions' as '1'.

Q: what is the option "Documented goods movements" on Selection of Individual Object Lists (transaction code CO28)?
A: Use Transaction code OPL8 to customize by choosing the order type, select all the checkbox under "Documentation of goods movements" at the bottom of the page. Create a new Production order, make GI to it, and run the report.

Q: We would like to have a report/inquiry that would indicate variances (materials, material quantities) between material recipe and actual process orders. We tried ME2M but this gives us a list of purchasing documents and not the consumption deviation. Where can I get such consumption deviation (master recipe Vs. Process> Orders)?
A: Do a data collection first.
Menu Path - Accounting->Controlling->Product cost acctg->Process mfg->Information system->Cost object hierarchy->data collection
(If you are using order hierarchy you would select order hierarchy in place of cost object hierarchy in the menu path.)
Accounting->Controlling->Product Cost Accounting->Order Related Production->Information System
Choose Report Period Costing - Target/Actual production variance

Q: We have two components ( 'X' & 'Y' ) in a production order in a process oriented production process. When 50 numbers of component 'X' are issued, we need the system to automatically issue 100 numbers of component 'Y' based on ratio of 1 to 2. Where do I specify these ratios?
A: You can define the ratio in BOM and material may be issued with reference to BOM.

Q: We have two storage locations are '0001' and '0600'. Default storage location in Process order is always '0001' What determines this default location?
A: Look into OSS notes: 100757, 63493, 96262, 87843, 82033, 64946.
The Storage location as configured in the Supply area has the highest priority.

Q: We need to do GI of components to production order using Back-flush. The component stock is managed in Batches. The Batch to be back-flushed is selected by FIFO from the issue storage location. How can we set this up?
A: With the following settings, the batches are selected the moment the production order is released.
1: Set up batch determination the way that the batches in batch selection are sorted the right way. e.g. sorted by expiry date
2: Use automatic batch selection in disp view.
3: Ensure that the components are allowed to be back-flushed (material master / work center)

Q: We want to report on several status combinations like each order that has status 'Not deleted' and 'Not technically completed'. What set up is required?
A: Check transaction CO28. In the selection screen note the possible selection 'System Status' . You can select TECO for technically complete an DLT for deleted from the list. Select the Excl. indicator also.
You may also try transaction CO26 (Logistics -> Production -> Production control -> Control -> Information systems -> Order Info System -> Object overview). Before executing the transaction report, combinations of statuses can be selected or exclude them.

Q: How can we shut off the "automatic costing indicator" and the "automatic scheduling indicator" which go on when the production order is released?
A: For "no automatic costing" follow the IMG path
Production -> Production orders ->Master data -> Order - >Define order type dependent parameters
Select the order type for which u automatic costing is not required. In the controlling settings, select "no automatic costing"
For "no automatic scheduling" , follow the IMG path :
Production ->Operations - >Scheduling -> Define control parameters
Select the order type and go to details. Deselect " automatic dates "
Alternatively, you can find indicators in the control key, which is in the routing. Transaction OPL8 gives you costing indicators (Order type dependent parameters), and OPJU (control table for scheduling) gives some scheduling options.

Variable Size

Q: How can I use variable size items?

A: For example, consider an item A with 'kg' as base Unit Of Measurement(UOM) and 'm3' as stock keeping/issue unit. Conversion factor is 1kg = 2.4 m3.
In the BOM of 'B' ,number of A required are specified (say 5).
Specify the 3 variable dimensions i.e. length, width & thickness- say 2000mm X 3000mm X 4mm = 0.024 m3
As per BOM - 'B' , the quantity of A required is 0.024 X 5 = 0.120 m3
If a production Order is released for 15 numbers of 'B' , the quantity of variable size unit will be 1.20 m3.
You can change the length, width or thickness in the production order & check the resulting variable size item quantity. At the same time this requirement can be seen in 'kg' in stock/requirement list.


Q: How to configure the planning calendar for the ATP calculation where goods are shipped every other working day?
A: Use Transaction MD25 and define calculation rule for every other working day. Check the lot size settings in OMI4 and maintain relevant data in MMR.

Q: We have two different production lines with different operations. One production line works 5 days a week and the other 7 days a week. The factory calendar is assigned to the plant for 5 days a week. This calendar is checked when MRP is run. How can we assign 5 day a week and 7 days a week against a factory calendar to the related resources? Is it possible to have two types of calendars?

A: Assign factory calendars to the work centers.

Q: What is the difference between by-product and co-product and how do you differentiate them in a BOM?
A: In case of Co-product costs are settled with a apportionment structure. In case of By-product the price of this by-product is credited to the order or the material stock account of the lead material being manufactured. Co-Product as well as by-product are defined as BOM Components/Items. Both of them have negative quantities. ( Not all negative quantity items fall under these categories!). When BOM is created for FERT , you can see one indicator in COMPONENT DETAILS screen for co-product. You need to define the co-products with this special indicator .

Q: What are some important tables used in PP ?

A: For orders:
CUAFVD dialog structure for order headers and items
AFPO - Order item
AFFLD Order: Dialog table for order sequences (AFFL)
MOPER Operation for production order
KBED Capacity requirements
AFRU Order completion confirmations
RESB Reservation/Dependent Requirements
AFFHD Structure of PRT's in orders
SOPER Sub-operations
SAFRU Sub-operation confirmations
SKBED Capacity requirements for sub-operation
MRP table is MDTB.
For PI:
CAUFV - AFVC Operation within an order
AFFT Order Process Instructions
AFFV Order process instruction values
Some other tables of interest:
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